Thursday, November 15, 2012

(Selling Your) Home Sweet Home

sweet relocation move

Psychic Dimensions Of Your Relocation Move

If you’re a typical American you will put down roots in an entirely new neighborhood, house, and home once every five years: that’s an incredible total of fifteen full relocation moves during an average lifetime. We’re proud of our easy mobility and rightly so, since it is a concrete illustration of the freedom we prize so dearly. But it would be naive to neglect the inevitable downsides to all the travel, change, and adaptation involved. Moving always entails at least a few briefly radical lifestyle alterations and often a great deal more. Add on the considerable additional expense and uncertainty of selling or renting your old digs, and you may well have a very challenging time merely coping with the situation. In fact, psychologists have shown that a relocation move actually ranks with traumatic incidents such as a relative’s demise in terms of induced stress, anxiety, and psychic upheaval!

Relocation Move - How The Pros Do It

If you’re presently looking forward to - or possibly dreading! - an impending move, Lucky Six Farms thinks you might want to take a few tips from real estate pros who traffic in houses and apartments with the same facility that we make small change at a cash register. One of the most distinctive hallmarks of their lucrative profession is the ease they feel in quickly selling even the most seemingly unappealing residence. They chuckle knowingly as they deposit their commissions even though the whole business seems incredibly chancy. How in the world can they be so confident of closing those deals? Their master key lies in always generating a highly positive first impression. Laypeople can understand that a marketable house should appear clean, bright, and uncluttered. However, only seasoned agents know of certain obscure secrets virtually assuring favorable first impressions and thus rapid sales.

Relocation Move - Clearing The Air

What kind of secret am I hinting at? The first significant impressions are literally imprinted into a potential home-buyer’s mind within their initial ten to fifteen seconds indoors. And the most basic, the most primordial, the most powerful impression does not come consciously via vision but rather enters subconsciously through the breath. The atmosphere (s)he inhales contains both an aroma and a psychic feeling: these will play the single most important role in determining how a prospective buyer interprets everything that follows!  Some of our good friends in the real estate business asked us not to reveal this simple secret, but we believe only our most savvy readers will actually put what’s implied here into practice. Need I note at this point that we have long specialized in highly potent, uniquely purifying, and psychically energizing White Sage products: essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves? May all your relocation moves prove pleasant and hassle-free!

By Alan Beck

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