Monday, December 31, 2012

Clean Slate And Fresh Page

new year's resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions - Beginning Again

Because Lucky Six Farms works so intimately with the forces of cosmic time, we recognize the subtle psychological valence inherent in our Western tradition of new year’s resolutions. Yes, the idea is about as old, tired, hackneyed, and cliche as any such worked-to-death meme can get, but the reason it still sticks to our popular repertoire like glue can be found in its underlying power to effect real, lasting change. Our calendar year is constructed to mimic our own life courses, to pass from uneasy, dim uncertainty to cold, burgeoning darkness after a long interval of maturing bright action. This convenient, “organic” demarcation offers new personal opportunity after the passage of four easy-to-recognize seasons. It allows us sufficient temporal distance to look back and conduct a meaningful evaluation of where we have fallen short. The new year thus creates a portal - artificial and arbitrary as it may now seem - whereby we can directly confront our old defects and determine to rectify them. Whatever our position with regard to this approach, we should understand that the most necessary tool in forging quality new year’s resolutions is a clear, discriminating mind coupled to calm, integrated physical stability.

New Year’s Resolutions - Holding The Line

What meme is as strong as new year’s resolutions? Ironically yet somehow unsurprisingly, the only seasonally associated concept carrying equal weight is the anticipated violation of new year’s resolutions! We have become so accustomed to denigrating our own determination and willpower that we often compete with one another - albeit subconsciously - to see who will cave first to the destructive inertia of old habits. But we need not conform to this pathetic obverse of the new year’s coin. For as long as we can maintain our original clarity of intent, we can perceive the benefits of our resolutions not as weak, distant abstractions but rather as living forces coming to our aid and operating for our immediate benefit. The regular use of our certified organic, purifying White Sage products - smudge sticks, cones, essential oil, hydrosol, and whole leaves - can help immensely in tuning our psyches into this task.

New Year’s Resolutions - Vision And Truth

Hopefully, the idea of new year’s resolutions serves as no more than a mnemonic tool for the job of clear-headed understanding that really faces us at every turn. We trust that our aromatic products, generated, processed, and packaged hand-in-hand with Mother Nature herself, can ease the challenges - periodic and otherwise - our customers face day in and day out.

By Alan Beck

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