What Is Healthy Lifestyle?
The staff at Lucky Six Farms along with the monks and friars of our leaseholder Madre Grande Monastery are often asked to opine about “What is healthy lifestyle?” Motivation probably springs from observation of our close and evidently productive ties to organic farming, ecologically sustainable business, alternative healing, and traditional approaches to spirituality. Indeed, we believe the question - and its appropriate answer - are uniquely relevant in today’s complex and confusing socioeconomic milieu. In this regard, it is interesting that the Bible itself declaims (Proverbs 29:18 KJV) “where there is no wisdom the people perish.” Our plethora of worrisome post-modern predicaments arise from dynamics fundamentally rooted in dis-ease and dis-functionality, from a profound lack of insight into the problematic issues of “What is healthy lifestyle?”
What Is Healthy Lifestyle? - The Core Truth
We, of course, can only offer answers based upon decades of prayerful inquiry, sincere work, and amenable outcomes. We possess neither a direct nor exclusive line to absolute truth. Nevertheless, our conception of healthy lifestyle is definitive. It is easily comprehended even by those whose orientation is relatively far removed from key perspectives informing and underlying it. In brief, we view compassion as the primary factor necessary for healthy living. Compassion - the quality which allows us authentic identification with the plight of others, both human and animal - should be the principal tie binding us to family, friends, society, and the whole wide world at large. We hold the active, vibrant nature of this connection to be primordially Divine and, in fact, the fount from which all spiritual sentiment ultimately emerges.
What Is Healthy Lifestyle? - Pursuits And Priorities
For those of us readily acknowledging this view, perhaps one of the most challenging things we must come to grips with is the matter of priorities. What does compassion actually count for, if it is forced to take an uncomfortable back seat to a range of other “hard-headed, tough-minded, and (ostensibly) pragmatic” goals? Like a delicate herbal seedling, compassion can only take root and grow to be effective if it is proactively, conscientiously tended. Otherwise, ruthless psychic weeds will inevitably choke it off before any of its inherently potent, health-giving properties can manifest in our lives. Every aspect of our business is conducted in the hope that all our sacred aromatic products, wherever and whenever they are used, will prove conducive to such benevolent ends.
By Alan Beck

It was pleasure to read this more so than any other newspaper.