Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stresses Of A Festive Season

family gathering

Family Gathering Dynamics

The family gathering, an inexorable event concomitant and virtually identified with year-end festivities, often generates equivalent titers of joy and stress. A fundamental reason for this dissonance is not difficult to ascertain, even for the psychoanalytically untutored.  Simply stated, the more divergent personalities are compelled to occupy the same space, the greater the opportunities for interpersonal conflict. Since Holiday celebrations are usually geared to accommodate friendly expressions rather than verbal or physical fisticuffs, problematic situations can readily accrue to the chagrin of both hosts and guests alike. Other than eschewing our beloved traditions altogether, is there any way to relieve the ambient tension incumbent on these seasonal celebrations? Lucky Six Farms is quick to answer this rhetorical query with a resounding “Yes!” Indeed, we wholeheartedly declaim that the most irritating aspects of any family gathering may be easily attenuated through prompt, judicious use of our famous White Sage aromatics.

How To Defuse A Family Gathering

Mutual enjoyment should occupy the collective heart of all seasonal festivities. However, simultaneously turning participant thoughts toward that end can prove challenging at best. Yet, there is really no need for resort to radical solutions, no necessity to confine habitually belligerent Uncle Joe to a basement crawl-space or arrogant Aunt Mabel to a closet turned powder-room. Instead, what is required is a literal clearing and cleaning of the ambient psychic atmosphere. Fortunately, our White Sage products have, for centuries, been successfully employed to accomplish this very task. What’s more, every  type of venue can be addressed with a perfectly appropriate White Sage vehicle. For outdoor or large areas, proportionally-sized smudge sticks can be smoldered in unobtrusively placed ashtrays, seashells, or other heat-resistant containers. In smaller, more confined spaces, our pure, proprietary-formula smudge cones are just the ticket, especially when ignited in our convenient heart-burners. For the tiniest and most intimate situations or where very young, elderly, or immuno compromised people are present, our White Sage hydrosol is a perfect complement.

Make Your Family Gathering Positively Memorable

Of course, sometimes our purifying and energizing White Sage solutions may be neglected neglected through ignorance or inadvertence. But there is no need to succumb to ostensibly overwhelming forces of anxiety or stress. Even if problems arise, you can disengage from post-party negativity by brewing a one-leaf tisane and leisurely sipping it after the whirlwind of events has finally blown over. Confidence in Lucky Six Farms aromatics is well-deserved and forthcoming from customers the world over: try them yourself and be amazed at the wonderful results!
By Alan Beck

1 comment:

  1. yeah, does it work..
    i would love to try it


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