Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our Origins, Our Destiny

man versus nature

Humanity Versus Nature

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and Nature shall not be broken” - Leo Tolstoy

I confess that, even quite some time before becoming a staffer at Lucky Six Farms, I saw serious problems in the way Western civilization viewed itself vis-a-vis Nature. It was not that I particularly enjoyed entertaining a deviant world-view, for, given the importance of societal sanction, what normal individual could possibly rejoice in his evident alienation? Nor was my feeling derived from a desire to be different or stand out from the crowd, as I always displayed a propensity for shyness and diffidence which kept me far removed from my peers’ many social whirls. No, the conviction sprang rather from a deep-rooted sense that our razor-sharp, Cartesian separation of the universe into subject and object, mind and body, noumena and phenomena embodied a Faustian lapse. Our materialist/reductionist understanding had indeed unlocked many wondrous secrets but at a hideous cost: we had thus, in the most literally Biblical sense, gained the world but lost our collective soul (KJV Matthew 16:26, Mark 8:36, Luke 9:25). In grasping Nature by the throat, we had violated our most profound relationship to Her.

Humanity As Child Of Nature

Heralded absolutely nowhere as a theologian, I will certainly not presume to exposit the importance of the idea I have outlined above. But if we remain resolutely unable to see an unequivocal manifestation of the Divine in Nature, how can we then blithely proclaim the sanctity of our Creator’s primordial and most persistent efforts? Both science and every major faith view humanity as an integral component of Nature. Yet the former has come to believe this connection renders us into no more than complex yet thoroughly moribund mechanisms, like outre automatons so popular during the 18th Century. Heralding consciousness as an illusory and insignificant epiphenomenon to its steam-engine universe, post-modern science denies even the transcendent faith of its founding geniuses, luminaries like Cardan, Dee, Gauss, Leeuwenhoek, Leibnitz, Newton, and scores of others, equally notable, in every corner of the globe. During our present era, it is becoming increasingly clear that unless humanity begins to view itself as a child of Nature, it stands to choke off the most vital sources of not only its spiritual but also its material nourishment.

Nature And Humanity Reconciled

By producing certified organic and wildcrafted sacred aromatics, we hope to play a role in the ongoing reconciliation of humanity with its lovingly powerful Mother Nature, a process which more and more people are coming to recognize, respect, and accomplish. As this new year dawns, may those who read this blog - newcomers, the merely curious, seekers, and established clients alike - consider our unique offerings as helpful tools to bring about real positive change and a better world for all.

By Alan Beck


1 comment:

  1. I like this! I agree with you in showing love for our mother Earth. This is one thing that many people forget to do because they are busy with their daily lives while some are really inflicting damage just to earn money for themselves. Let us try to contribute to the welfare of nature even in our own little ways so that we can give the next generations good destiny to cherish.


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