Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ancient Egypt’s Integral Vision

nature's network: Isis

Nature’s All-Encompassing Network

Difficult as it may be for us at Lucky Six Farms to piece together the spirituality of those who built the Pyramids and Sphinx, we can safely say their prime beliefs revolved around Nature’s all-encompassing network, a worldview where our familiar Cartesian dichotomy of mind and matter, observer and observed held little valence. The West has been fascinated with ancient Egypt’s metaphysics since an archaeological team spearheaded by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter pried open Tutankhamun’s tomb late in 1922. Much of this, of course, reflects only faddish inebriation with things exotic, but a more profound interest is also evident. Freethinkers of most major Faiths have wondered at the subtle ties binding Egypt’s multifaceted Divinity to every manifestation of life - human, animal, and vegetative. Perhaps it is only happenstance, too, that the world religious centers of Jerusalem, Lhasa’s Potala, Giza’s Sphinx and Pyramids, plus our own Madre Grande Monastery in Dulzura lie within a scant two degrees of a single latitude line. In any case, few other high civilizations have seen men and women so intimately woven within the variegated strands of Nature’s network.

Nature’s Network - Many Masks Of The Holy

Dry academics never tire of emphasizing ostensible manifestations of ancient Egypt’s radical polytheism. Yet, they rarely note the facility with which even the most diverse animal-headed entities changed places with one another when appropriate occasions arose. Nor do they devote much attention to the frequent, fulsome, and remarkably insightful interchanges between worshippers and the transcendent objects of their veneration. Unlike many in our post-modern West who remain alienated from a distant and seemingly aloof Godhead, the average Egyptian, at least until the Roman period, felt their Gods’ almost conversational accessibility. The conceptual dynamic underlying such close relationships is not difficult to grasp: ancient Egypt saw humanity as an integral part of Nature, so the Gods showed themselves in whatever guise necessary to ratify the whole. Just as actors don a plethora of role-based “masks” in a drama, the Egyptian deities revealed their wisdom through the faces of Nature.

Nature’s Network - Approaching The Highest

Historians have consistently remarked on the prevalence of sacred aromatics throughout the temple precincts of ancient Egypt. Clearly, these herbal substances were compounded with great care, for they were not only material proofs of reverence but also - and simultaneously - carriers of human intent directed toward the ultimate sources of vitality and universal power. Because our beliefs reflect very similar truths about the underlying structure of reality, we always formulate our products with the very same prayerful love. Perceiving such energetic Natural currents can be easier than you might think: simply try any of our smudge sticks, cones, essential oil, or hydrosol for yourself!

By Alan Beck

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