By Alan Beck
Confidence In The Earth
Each morning as I touch the soil, my confidence in our planet's holistic healing power increases. Every day I walk the grounds of Lucky Six Farms, marveling at its expansive, organic White Sage gardens. I especially enjoy working directly with White Sage and contemplating its venerable power. It is a privilege to maintain a personal relationship with its remarkably cleansing, energizing, and uplifting spirit. Such feelings reflect more than superficial sentiment. I believe our California White sage offers a truly unique array of useful gifts to those seeking paths of authentic betterment today. In particular, for those lacking confidence in themselves, their society, or their world, the White Sage provides a unique remedy.
White Sage Rewards Our Confidence
Virtually all societies acknowledge the vital role played by plants; this is especially true in communities where profound, earth-centered traditions have long been maintained. But no matter what our personal beliefs may be, plants proactively support our lives: our physical, intellectual, energetic, and even spiritual states are closely tied to the living plant life around us - so much so, in fact, that too many inadvertently take that wondrous bounty for granted. The confidence we place in the Earth as our home, our primordial support is most directly evinced through our trust in the plant life that serves us. Nowhere is this better illustrated then in the ancient respect indigenous peoples had for the plant we today call the California White Sage.
Confidence Is Rooted In The Plant Spirit
Native communities, in particular, viewed their daily relationship with White Sage as particularly vital. Through it, even stubborn negative energies could be cleared away in a relatively brief period. It was understood that White Sage was consistently allied with the community's highest and best goals, as the beneficial Sage Spirit worked to open each individual's heart energy to abundant flow. And abundant energy translates into self confidence. Nothing of this has changed over the centuries. Thus, White Sage can, even now, be an important adjunct to our heart's most authentic expression. No wonder this remarkable plant spirit has been sincerely venerated by so many for so long!

Alan, thank you for remainding me that there is a precious thread that connects us with our past and future and with every other kingdom existent on this planet. Sage has the ability to help us explore that connection with everithing by purifying us to the level of being ONE.