All You Really Need Is Love
Love is a word that endures quite a bit of use and abuse. Pop stars make us focus on its overtly romantic or lustful connotations, while advertisers prefer to target its ties to sensual enjoyment. But isn't love also a vital component of simple, harmonious living? Psychologists from Freud to Maslow have emphasized the role love plays in the lives of healthy, happy, productive individuals. I believe our post-modern concept of love is unrealistically constricted, since true love often embraces much more than a simple one-on-one relationship. Wouldn't we benefit in spiritual ways if the things we incorporate in our daily lives were actually produced by those who love - and thus deeply respect - their labor?
Our Products Embody Love
The managers and workers of Lucky Six Farms have always believed in the power inherent in spiritual love. They love the work they do to grow, maintain, harvest, and process their remarkable products, which simultaneously calm the body while energizing the intellect. Because they work intimately with the White Sage Spirit, they have first-hand experience of its living beneficence. Indeed, their fervent belief supports the consistent purity and ceremonial viability of their White Sage products for use in a broad spectrum of Native American contexts. In fact, we feel our love reaches out through our products so as to positively change and illuminate those who make use of them, no matter what the context.
The Intrinsic Power Of Love
Love is not a commodity but an attitude informing a concrete process. Although mass-marketers and cheap industrial producers make the word love more vacuous the more they employ it, a small minority of spiritually-aware suppliers are not so sanguine about the term. Working from a solid ground of genuine love, they slowly but surely spread its true meaning and power with every product they ship. With this in mind, I humbly and sincerely invite you to look into the products of Lucky Six Farms!
By Alan Beck

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