Sunday, July 29, 2012

Business, Life & Spirituality


The Most Valuable Token Of Confidence

My confidence in the work my colleagues and I do is absolute. Yet, for ordinary intents and purposes, we simply operate a small business like millions of others. What sets us apart from the rest? Similarly, I am often asked how I can reconcile my work on behalf of - and enthusiasm for - Lucky Six Farms White Sage products with my lifelong commitment to spirituality. "Isn't business fundamentally selfish and materialistic? Aren't commercial sales at odds with the free energy flow of our infinite universe?" they inquire. Although I appreciate my interrogators' sincere concern, I have no trouble replying, because I believe their perspective has become inadvertently constricted. Let me tell you why: our confidence rests not with raw economic gain but rather upon assured mutual benefit.

Customer Confidence Supports Our Own

Business is really nothing more than mutual transaction: in the wide world of non-human nature it is termed "symbiosis." Our gut is filled with microorganisms living at our expense but also enabling healthy digestion. Wipe out those little critters, and your food can no longer provide vital nourishment. Similarly, lichens grow in the most inhospitable places - like bare rock faces - because they are an ancient combination of an algae and a fungus, two very disparate organisms. What one lichen component lacks, the other provides; neither could survive such harsh environments alone.

Harmony Yields Confidence

I could give innumerable other examples of how the entire web of planetary life depends upon such harmonious exchanges. Doesn't love itself imply that what one has can be readily offered for another's need? In reality, it is simply greed, the insistence on unfair, unilateral gain, that has given business a bad name in our time. Lucky Six Farms' mission is rooted in profound respect for its customers. We strive to give back to them even more than we receive in remuneration as the wholesome purity and consistency of our White Sage products amply testify.

By Alan Beck

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