Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lichen Life Lessons


Finding Friends Forever

Friends existed long before social networking elevated the concept to meme status. We count on receiving help from our true friends, but all of us have experienced the unpleasant realization that such trust has been misplaced. Interestingly, friendship is not confined to ourselves or even to the world of readily motile creatures. Lichens are a perfect example. Lichens are such a familiar sight both in and around the White Sage fields of Lucky Six Farms, it becomes all to easy to take them for granted. Tinting the great granite boulders in delicate pastel shades of blue, green, orange, and yellow, they almost seem to have been extruded from the heart of their unforgiving, stoney matrix. That remarkable intimacy is part and parcel of the lesson they teach, for those wise enough to learn from this remarkable life-form. Indeed, in the realm of lichens friends are literally made for life.

Fantastic Friends

Long thought to be single, autonomous entities, lichens were eventually revealed as examples of one of the tightest symbiotic relationships found anywhere in nature. Each group of tiny, petal-like concretions is actually an alga and a fungus living together in such close association that the naked eye cannot tell where one begins and the other ends. Each depends upon the other to provide protection or nutrients essential for life in particularly bare, hostile environments - often nothing more than the stark face of a rock. Thus, lichens are wonderful exemplars of nature's vibrant support network.

Keeping Friends Close

Multifaceted, integral co-operation is an established way of life for the lichen and also for us. Deep appreciation of such dynamic interdependence is the hallmark of all we do at Lucky Six Farms. From the first steps of wild-crafting to the final processing and packaging, we treat our purifying White Sage as part of ourselves. We treat customers, small and large, as intimate friends. Uniting physically, intellectually and psychically with White Sage's living spirit, we can confidently offer it to the world as an effective agent of holistic power.

By Alan Beck

1 comment:

  1. It is true that by being open to cooperation with the plant world I can transform my day in a fantastic and uncomplicated event! Just gently rubbing my face against Salvia's fresh leaves would do it!

    Delighting the skin with white sage hydrosol mist on a sunny day and using a tiny bit of oil on temples before meditations are on the to do list of someone who knows how to bring the best out of themselves!


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