Saturday, September 8, 2012

Here Comes The Sun


Our Divine Sun

An old saying goes: “Although the stars and Moon shine bright, when the Sun sets, it is night.” From the days of ancient Egypt our star the Sun has played a key role in metaphysical understanding. Indeed, under the strange, fascinating pharaoh Akhenaten the entire traditional pantheon of Egyptian deities faded into insignificance before royally mandated solar veneration. Many modern scholars see this singular focus as a tentative step toward the now-familiar monotheism characteristic of Western mainstream faiths. Nor was Egypt alone in its high regard for the Sun. Revered as the primary source of life energy long before scientists confirmed the notion via their explorations of photosynthesis, the Sun has symbolized absolute purity and regal power for virtually every spiritual tradition since the dawn of history.

Our Esoteric Sun

A variety of organizations famed for esoteric scholarship have penned volumes concerning the secret energies of the Sun. For example, the mysterious Stanzas of Dzyan often cited by Helena Blavatsky and other prominent Theosophical writers assert, “The Seven Beings in the Sun are the Seven Holy Ones Self-born from the inherent power in the matrix of Mother substance.” Lucky Six Farms, which wild-crafts and processes the high desert’s White Sage, is well acquainted with the Sun’s qualities, both mundane and extraordinary. For example, our certified organic fields have been carefully landscaped to receive the maximum complement of solar radiation throughout the growing seasons. White Sage loves the Sun perhaps more than any other indigenous plant and rarely flourishes in shady areas. We believe much of its uniquely purifying character derives largely from this intimate relationship.

Our Sun Shines Through White Sage

Customers have noted that each of our White Sage products - essential oils, hydrosols, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves - conveys a luminous brilliance to the psyche, clearing away troubling, lingering obscurations just as the noonday Sun dispels clouds. Thus, we feel confident our work actively supports the forces of life wherever and whenever our products are employed.

By Alan Beck

1 comment:

  1. I used to be a goth, but now I live here, and my tan will tell you that the sun and I are now friends.


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