Health Takes Physics’ Cue
We have finally realized that health is multi-dimensional. While such a vision may appear self-evident for us today, most medical authorities resisted its full implications until they were too weighty to ignore. Ironically enough, the first steps toward a wider perspective were taken by physicists. Although science didn’t seriously begin mulling over the proposition of an inorganic universe embraced by multiple dimensions until the opening decades of the Twentieth Century, the idea has recently gained incredible currency with CERN’s discovery of the Higgs Boson. If gross matter embraces many dimensions, how about us? As usual, biology and its handmaiden medicine have arrived quite late to the party. Long assumed to mean merely “disease free,” health is now understood to denote a complex of many dynamically interrelated factors.
Our Picture Of Health Comes Full Circle
Psychological and spiritual elements figure prominently in our new understanding of health. As any professional hypnotist or psychotherapist can testify, deeply held beliefs, tenacious attitudes, and subconscious assumptions can - and often do - make the difference between relaxed adaptation or unbearable discomfort. Even simple opinions, when grasped vigorously enough, have the potential to create Heaven or Hell for their proponents right here on Earth. In particular, our perception of purity as freedom from conflict and confusion is seen to gain increasing importance for health-conscious individuals. Indigenous societies have traditionally emphasized purification as a primary requisite for both group and individual empowerment. Now we are beginning to fully comprehend the wisdom of their view.
White Sage And Health
The California White Sage consistently played - and continues to play - the signal role of natural purifying agent for Tribal peoples throughout North America. Employed to quickly banish negative energies prior to ceremonies both great and small, White Sage was embraced as an indispensable adjunct to societal as well as personal health. A growing body of Internet testimonials ratify this knowledge, expanding it as well to other dimensions of wellness like energy and creativity. At Lucky Six Farms we are proud to actively facilitate this process so as to foster the health of our entire planet.
By Alan Beck

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