Metaphysical Perception
An erstwhile correspondent once chided me for expressing interest in metaphysical topics. “No such things even exist,” he remarked ruefully. “If stuff doesn’t register on our regular five senses, it simply isn’t there.” For good or ill, my retort appeared to render him nonplussed. “But there are seven senses,” I noted, “and it’s those additional two that matter the most.” Of course, my assertion merely echoed century-old observations by Theosophical Society founder Helena Blavatsky, author G.A. Barborka, and others. These luminaries used both personal experience and logical inference as eloquent testimony for the presence of two additional senses: memory and spiritual insight. Of course, only an ineluctably metaphysical perspective would allow such arguments for the reality of nonphysical faculties.
Metaphysical Understanding
What does this putative pair of supersensory vehicles have to do with our White Sage products? Actually, quite a bit! At Lucky Six Farms the noumenal sits as close as the phenomenal. At times, the former’s relevance to real-world considerations may far outstrip the latter’s. When delicate issues of planting, optimum growth, pest control, maturity, harvesting, and distillation lie outside the narrow, blinkered purview of factory-farming - as they inevitably do with White Sage - we must draw upon evidence flowing from channels outside the mundane five. Since we employ no petrochemicals, pesticides, or industrial techniques to assure organic quality and purity, we have become aware of subtle information sources and ancient methodologies unavailable to those who must rely on mechanical instrumentation and coarse interventions.
Metaphysical Results
For customers across the globe, our uniquely purifying White Sage products have come to function as much more than conventional aromatics. With Native American Tribes, our clients have learned to appreciate the many dimensions of life benefited through the use of our essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves. In fact, I can state categorically that the primary channels through which White Sage works its wonders are metaphysical. By rapidly energizing minds while calming bodies, it magickally opens psychic portals hitherto closed or inaccessible. Such metaphysical results are undeniable: see for yourself!
By Alan Beck
Wonderful. Thank you for sharing your insights as always <3