Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reducing Post-Modern Pressures

stress anxiety

Ubiquitous Stress And Anxiety

I find it both disturbing and fascinating that elevated levels of stress and anxiety are pretty much taken for granted today as standard features of post-modern life. The underlying causes for this condition are not hard to ascertain. Western civilization has encountered more profound changes during the last two centuries than at any other period throughout its colorful thousand-year reign. Prescient commentators have noted how so many pervasive technological innovations expressly designed to ease stress and anxiety have inadvertently magnified them instead. Our psychological predicament can be likened to squeezing one end of a balloon. Tension dissipated at the compressed end becomes instantly evident on the other. Often, a balloon will burst under repeated treatment of this kind, because rapid escalations of stress eventually prove too much to bear. The computer I’m typing on now provides a perfect real-world example: the wonderfully facile communication it enables is balanced - and perhaps offset - by the inherent stress and anxiety of corporate cubicle culture.

Traditional Approaches To Stress And Anxiety

Although we labor under burgeoning amounts of these irritants today, stress and anxiety are hardly new or unique. Problems they pose have long challenged both individuals and cultures. Traditional approaches to their alleviation invariably included prayer and ritual purification. Lucky Six Farms is dedicated to offering products capable of powerfully assisting the latter. We understand that effective purification is a multidimensional process. Since humans exist simultaneously on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, reducing stress and anxiety is necessarily a highly integrated process. Over eons, wise women and men learned which plant helpers could best balance and cleanse energetic currents flowing through and between these life-sustaining arenas. Perhaps the most prominent and potent is the southern California White Sage (Salvia apiana).

Reducing Stress And Anxiety Naturally

Our White Sage essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves provide numerous avenues for attenuating the burdensome titer of stress and anxiety generated by ever-familiar barrages of hectic demands and unforeseen obstacles. Whether you choose our smudge stick’s measured, formal ceremonial or our hydrosol’s quick mist near pocket or purse, you may always rely on the organic purity - the very quality so valued by indigenous peoples - required for White Sage to work its ancient magick.

By Alan Beck 

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