American Heritage
Our company and its employees revere our American homeland and all of its people. We recognize, too, that this heritage is immensely complex. It can never be reduced to bumper-sticker slogans or simplistic philosophies. But when our historical memory tends to be short, our enthusiasm readily fills in the blanks, whether factually or erroneously. It's a familiar trait that is only human. Too often, people speak of relatively recent practices as if they were firmly rooted in a venerable heritage. So I am sometimes accused of placing too much emphasis on the importance of White Sage in Native American ritual. Do indigenous cultures really respect White Sage smudging as an indispensable means for quickly dispelling undesirable psychic influences on special occasions? Is the purifying energy of White Sage really part of our incredible American heritage?
American Purity
To answer this question authoritatively I will take the liberty of citing a recent statement by Anthony R. Pico, tribal council chairman of the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians just prior to the singing of their famous, powerfully spiritual bird songs: “The smudging blessing is a cleansing ceremony that rids us of negative emotion and negative energy. From our perspective the joy and electricity it creates causes us to be in the frame of mind of goodness and forgiveness of one another.” The simple clarity and eloquence of his declaration requires no further elucidation.
American Products
Lucky Six Farms has been firmly committed to making the purifying current of White Sage available throughout the world. Our essential oils, hydrosols, smudge bundles, proprietary ultra pure smudge cones, and whole leaves testify to the wisdom of Native Americans who have recognized and sought out the benefits of this rare plant for thousands of years. When you employ our White Sage products, you can be confident that its legendary strength - undiluted, unpolluted, unmitigated - will always meet your highest expectations.
By Alan Beck

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