Paracelsus’ Universe
Is there only one way - the scientific method - to plumb the mysteries of the universe and ourselves? Such a blinkered notion is a relatively modern conceit born largely of complacency bestowed upon us by technology. Yet, that veneer of supercilious surety wears thin for many; some of the more thoughtful among us have scratched through it entirely. Case in point: Because we at Lucky Six Farms lease our White Sage fields from California's Madre Grande Monastery, frequent and fruitful dialogue naturally flows between the two institutions. Keen observations of Paracelsus, the 16th Century father of systematic botany, usually come to highlight such discussions, as several monks and friars are thoroughly conversant with his works. Why should Paracelsus elicit our interest? Perhaps because he was also the founder of spagyrics - little-known as a word today - which was a method by which key alchemical insights could be applied to plant-based therapeutics. I believe even today Paracelsus’ universe is congruent with our own.
The Alchemical Universe
Paracelsus emphasized a three-fold division in every plant species: a gross physical form, an underlying fundamental character, and a universally transformative component. As a convenient short-hand, he termed the first "salt," the second "sulfur," and the third "mercury." (Of course, these strictly spagyric terms-of-art bore no connection to their common, everyday meanings.) The second aspect in particular, i.e. spagyric sulfur, is what provides each species its own highly unique array of practical uses. Thus, it might be seen as analogous to the individual human personality.
Our Universe Of Living Energy
Paracelsus was familiar with White Sage and believed its character to be Jovian, that is highly purifying, mentally energizing, yet physically relaxing. Even today, students of spagyrics recommend White Sage fumigation to cleanse areas where conflicts and arguments have occurred. It is fascinating to note that Paracelsus' opinion is fully congruent with that held by Native American cultures, although no known communication took place between him and representatives of the latter. Clearly, the beneficial power of White Sage has been independently recognized by wisdom-holders of the most diverse backgrounds and traditions. We at Lucky Six Farms are proud to offer it to you in the same spirit of universality!
By Alan Beck

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