Maternal Calm
We feel her immutable bright calm in the floating hours just before dawn, before we can even perceive the outlines of her form with our eyes. We are heartened by her strength, inspired by her presence. When the disk of the sun moves over her, we can finally see her in full glory. She lies quiet but imposing, gently circumscribing our northeastern horizon. Eyes half closed in millennial repose, granite lips barely parted in the bright air, she dreams, weaving her maternal impulses into tangible form. She has given birth to the tangible and numinous, to creatures sharp and soft, to insights profound and simple. Those who have learned to know her, shamans, warriors, and the canny, may even be privileged to part the veil of her nocturnal visions, for they understand she is too wise to vanish into the stygian depths of sleep. Her calm is a paradox, filled with energy yet unperturbed.
Cosmic Calm
She is Madre Grande, the Great Mother, the mountain who lent her fame to the healing, teaching Monastery which, ensconced in her shadow, now bears her name and proud reputation. No one who settles near her remains untouched by her ancient power. We, who wild-craft and process her signal child, the purifying White Sage, love her. Long ago, during harrowing times, foreign conquerors sensed her displeasure and tried to blunt her magick. Although they mockingly twisted her into droll Mother Grundy, such a slight proved easy to ignore. Words without substance blow away like dust cast against a whirlwind. While truth may be silenced, it will never remain concealed.
Unique Calm Of Madre Grande's White Sage
Living and working daily in her shadow, we cannot forget the truth of her being. Like the indigenous Tribes, we continue to honor the mysteries channeled through her rough-hewn flesh. Our White Sage products, offerings of Lucky Six Farms which calm bodies while energizing minds worldwide, mark our tribute to her cosmic fruitfulness.
By Alan Beck

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