Science Pro And Con
Science has underscored the value of concrete experience. For that, we certainly owe it a profound debt of gratitude. What a pity, then, that its message for post-modern society has been distorted into a dogma of simple-minded materialism. Originally a tool to better understand definitive regularities of our universe, science gradually mutated into a doctrinaire, hidebound theology sans spirit that throttles fully as much creative thought as it encourages. Courageous geniuses who boldly blazed science’s trail over the course of centuries - often against hideous opposition - firmly rejected such narrow reductionist blinders. Bacon, Galileo, Cardan, Dee, Newton, Leibnitz, Gauss, Ramanujan and a thousand other luminaries of science and math lovingly embraced the numinous and openly sought guidance from the Divine.
What Has Science Wrought?
Patronizing pundits and the popular press never tire of excoriating those who question their reductionist line. Yet, a growing number of people from every walk of life understand there is indeed much more to life than what can be quantitatively weighed and instrumentally measured. Their respect for Nature’s innermost secrets may be well concealed today, but it has not been lost. Nor is their desire to actively probe phenomena for deeper truth. Experiment yields profound insight only when firmly guided by wisdom. Those who mistakenly believe they serve science by summary rejection of processes beyond linear mechanism do a great injustice to their own cause. At Lucky Six Farms, we work directly with the holistic wonder of Nature: it forges our everyday reality. And glowing testimonies from our clients and customers speak to the daily experimental verification of those eminently natural truths.
The Science Of The Psyche
Our products are not stamped out by the cold cookie-cutters of commercialized industry. Rather, they result from our reading the vibrant, living book of Nature, day by day, season by season, year by year. That is why our pure, energizing White Sage essential oils, hydrosols, smudge bundles, cones and whole leaves consistently bring people into harmony with both their external environments and their internal selves.
By Alan Beck

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