Our Holistic View
A holistic perspective on life is, in reality, the most thoughtful and mature. Bombarded by manipulative exhortations to compartmentalize all facets of existence and even ourselves, we forget how to prioritize needs, wants, and goals. For example, our immediate environment carries enormous influence on the way we feel and the work we accomplish. Beautiful surroundings tend to elevate our thoughts and inspire creativity, while ugly areas often lower expectations, arousing anxiety and base instincts. But do such obvious effects imply even more significant connections between the spaces where we live out our lives and the most profound roots of our being? Most of us at Lucky Six Farms would enthusiastically reply in the affirmative. How can we justify such an uncompromisingly holistic approach?
Our Holistic History
We wild-craft authentic White Sage only in the tiny region of the world which is its natural home: the stark, rocky high deserts of extreme southern California and northern Mexico. In the past, remote tribes throughout the Continent sought out White Sage as a rare commodity, exchanging valuable goods to obtain even small amounts. Recent archaeological work has shown human society in these celestially austere White Sage grounds goes back at least ten-thousand years. We didn't have to wait for these findings to be scientifically confirmed, though. Our active continuity with Native American culture is evident every day we walk this land, laboring to bring forth the purifying power which emanates from it and testifies to its heritage.
Our Holistic Products
Lucky Six Farms understands that past and present, ancient wisdom and modern insight, dynamically unite in every one of our products. Our essential White Sage oils, hydrosols, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves are as dramatically effective today as they were a hundred centuries ago. Energizing the mind as it calms the body, White Sage is a signal child of this remarkable region of North America. We feel privileged to extend its blessings, venerable as Mother Earth herself, to every corner of today's complex world.
By Alan Beck

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