Energy Of Land And People
Can energy embody character? Can it embrace an actual persona rather than coarsely quantifiable material quality? Even hard-hearted reductionists grant that energy manifests through a plethora of diverse forms: heat, electricity, sound, torque, nuclear binding, and more. Could there be subtle dimensions as well? Certainly, the idea is not new nor confined to non-Western societies. Oswald Spengler along with many other close observers of history firmly believed that each land, each geographically unique portion of our Earth leaves an indelible psychic mark on its indigenous people, animals, and plants. They held that pieces of the grand mosaic that is our Earth shape the outlook of their long-term residents as thoroughly as they themselves were shaped by pressure of immense geologic forces. The notion may seem quaint and even curious today, but could it possibly contain a grain of truth? Could there be hidden wisdom in the idea that our planet’s many mansions hold a variegated array of energy treasures so special that no two are really the same?
White Sage Energy
We who organically wild-craft and process essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves for Lucky Six Farms often remark how the striking southern California landscape and White Sage reflect the very same purifying energy, so that the two often appear inextricably interlinked. Thus pride of place is an important part of our heritage and that of our products, too.
Compassionate Energy
White Sage is the unmistakably radiant daughter of this austere yet beautiful, sun-soaked space. Those who live and work here feel it clearly. Every peak in our southern California high desert is studded with strangely shaped boulders: the most prominent still bear heroic titles testifying to Native legends long turned to myth. In the midst of this luminous court, the White Sage whorls open their blue-green leaves to an influx of life-giving energy. By sending our products around the world, we hope to share that familiar, compassionate, constructive power.
By Alan Beck

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