Understanding Power
The signal characteristic of power, in whatever guise or form it may appear, is the ready acknowledgment of its presence. Powerful people, groups, and agents are almost always surrounded by protective barriers or insulating forces. From childhood, we learn it is dangerous to approach sources of power too closely. Burned fingers or reputations often result from reckless disregard of these caveats. Let's face it, Lucky Six Farms White Sage essential oil and smudging products are incredibly powerful purifying agents. As with all potent instruments of change, prudence must be employed whenever and wherever they are employed. Unless specific, expert advice is being closely followed, essential oils must be always be well-diluted and should not be used daily for protracted periods. Similarly, the thick, intense smoke generated by smudging bundles and cones is a power that must be respected, especially in confined areas where ventilation is poor.
Diminished Power, Increased Utility
There is a way, however, to frequently enjoy the cleansing, energizing effects of authentic White Sage with minimal concern. Lucky Six Farms hydrosol provides the perfect vehicle for gentler, yet highly effective, purification of people, places, and objects. Hydrosol is a safe alternative for areas where the very young, aged, and those with compromised immune systems are present. It may be used directly as a room spray, facial mist, and body toner.
Hydrosol Power
It is important to remember that the pure, genuine White Sage hydrosol we offer is not the same as cheap imitations now being sold under the same rubric. Real hydrosol is the product of a specialized and complex distillation process and contains an array of delicate plant components not found in the corresponding essential oil. There is no short-cut to the production of fine hydrosol, just as there are no cut-rate, industrial routes to the prayerful dedication that has made all of Lucky Six Farms White Sage products valued worldwide.
By Alan Beck

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