Ways To Cleanse Negativity
The verb cleanse tends to be associated with material spaces. We recognize that clean interiors tend to be healthier for our bodies and minds than dirty ones. Few would think of eating, entertaining, or simply spending much time in rooms that are never cleaned. Yet how many of us reason the same way about psychic spaces, that is, rooms we regularly use for meditation or prayer? Saints, sages, and enlightened teachers from time immemorial have recognized that rites can only be effective if held in areas that have first been deliberately cleansed of accumulated negative vibrations. While there are, of course, a variety of ways to achieve such a thorough cleanse of psychic space, one of the quickest and easiest methods is readily available today.
Cleanse With White Sage
White Sage has been successfully employed for millennia by Native American healers seeking fast yet effective purification of areas set aside for deep contemplation or focused ritual. Virtually each and every ceremony, from shamanic interventions to sweat lodges, is preceded by formal smudging with bundles of White Sage. Today, this procedure is no longer confined to First Nation communities: now, an immense variety of disparate traditions have realized the power of White Sage to rapidly dispel undesirable psychic residua. Unfortunately, however, a little knowledge can prove dangerous. Unscrupulous vendors have taken advantage of the sacred plant's reputation to push cheap but impure - and thus ineffective - White Sage aromatics into the worldwide marketplace.
Purity Assures A Cleanse Extraordinaire
Lucky Six Farms, which leases its fields from Madre Grande Monastery, has, from the first, dedicated all its energies to remedying the situation. We supply only authentic White Sage products to those who appreciate the effort involved in pursuing spiritual paths. Our essential oils, hydrosols, whole leaves, smudge cones, and bundles are wild-crafted and certified organic. They have been specifically formulated and approved for traditional ceremonial use. We believe the integrity we bring to our products helps make the world a better place, and we feel privileged to offer the fruits of our love and labor directly to you.
By Alan Beck

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