Our Network Of Life
We have always lived and had our being via a network. Contrary to popular opinion, widespread networking did not begin - and will not conclude - with the World Wide Web, let alone cloud computing. Rather, from our beginnings in the mists of a historical time we have been intimately interlinked with entities near and far, great and small. Thus, cultivating a plant as purifying as White Sage irrevocably changes those who do it. This is especially true for the staff of Lucky Six Farms who are wholeheartedly committed to manifesting the Earth's illuminating wisdom. Having little faith or trust in popular reductionist methods that increase production at the cost of organic integrity, we seek to bring ourselves into enlightening communion not only with the Plant Spirit but also the immense network of natural connections supporting it.
Network Of Energy
Plants, like people, never really exist as isolated, wholly autonomous islands of being. It is an illusion to imagine otherwise. Like individuals playing out their roles in high cultures, plants rely on a functional network of others for protection, nutrition, stimulation, information, and energetic support. A plethora of animal, vegetal, mineral, elemental, and spiritual entities link one to another in a spectacular array of connections for the White Sage to thrive. We actively participate in that process, so that our ultimate goal - the finest, purest White Sage aromatics possible - can be realized consistently, day in and day out, through every season of the year.
The Divine Network
We believe that our relationship to the White Sage and those who appreciate its power have made us better somehow. Perhaps because we feel humbler in the face of the extraordinary Mystery infusing and sustaining all life. And because we believe that the compassion and openness shining through our White Sage products can open a window of Divine truth to the customers we serve.
By Alan Beck

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