Math As History
Math is an important part of our daily life, but it sometimes calls up some rather recondite associations. For example, I am often asked about the etiology of our business name: “Why in the world did you choose to call yourselves ‘Lucky Six' Farms?” At first blush, the title appears rather offbeat since the most familiar “lucky” number in Western parlance is seven, a verbal association probably derived from the initial winning roll in a craps game. Of course, we don’t have any interest in gambling. In fact, our name originates somewhere in the dim and distant past, when settlers chose that mysterious moniker for the very first rough, steep trail winding up the boulder-strewn mountainside. So, it seems the boldest lineaments of our business math reach much further than the dry columns of our ledger books.
Math As Symbol
Can we find out any more? Why would the number six be considered especially fortunate? Although we note that recorded California history sheds little light on the question, perhaps a better approach lies through more ancient traditions of numerical symbolism. Thus, we can immediately recognize six as the number of the Macrocosm par excellence. Redolent with cosmic implications and transcendent wisdom echoing from our most inclusive visions of time and space, six then transmogrifies into a metaphysically ideal number by which we may express our organic Farm’s eclectic intents and goals.
Math As Truth
In addition, we really offer six different, uniquely purifying products: White Sage essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, proprietary-formula smudge cones, and whole leaves. But, you undoubtedly observe, that only adds up to five! True - because the sixth, our most important product of all, comes gratis with each of the others. That product is love, profound love of our Mother Earth and all of her children. So the combination totals a very Lucky Six indeed!
By Alan Beck

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