Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's Eating You?

eating disorders

The Deep Roots Of Eating Disorders

We at Lucky Six Farms have noted that anorexia and bulimia along with a host of other nonspecific eating disorders are mentioned more and more frequently today. Certainly these are troubling trends, perhaps because they are now making their presence evident among hitherto resistant demographic sectors. Clearly, the rise and ever increasing prevalence of these conditions derive from much more than general food availability coupled with high caloric content. Obsession with attaining unrealistic body-image models appears to motivate most sufferers, but this observation only begs the question of why such peculiar psychological foci have attained power enough to wreck lives. Could there be further reasons yet to be uncovered? In fact, a wide range of studies indicate that the prevalence of eating disorders in post-modern society stems from deep rooted feelings of alienation and apathy

Eating Disorders Reflect Interpersonal Disconnect

We believe the blatant artificiality of post-modern life, its characteristic emphasis on mere superficiality and veneer, is a principal contributor to eating disorders today. In particular, we have learned to be concerned with objects at the cost of relationships and to value manipulation over interpersonal integrity. We long to cover our true selves with masks and thus strive to emulate images which best actualize such obscurantist goals. What is needed most in these circumstances, of course, is personal authenticity, that is, the desire to expose who we really are both to our own consciences and the opinions of others. Are there any ways we can actively encourage an honest approach to ourselves?

Pushing Eating Disorders From Our Table

Indigenous American Tribes plus a good many others who are seriously affiliated with Earth-centered spirituality have traditionally believed that mental clarity brought about through purification drew basic authenticity along in its train. The primordial linkage between one’s true self and surrounding life-forms, human and nonhuman, often manifests intensely following sincere efforts at purification. And realization of this true self invariably undercuts all self-destructive illusions, especially those which set problems like eating disorders into motion. Vanguard science itself has recently seconded those venerable concepts by illuminating remarkably ramified interconnections at the heart of our material existence. The certified organic White Sage products we offer - essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, cones, and whole leaves - have long served as respected adjuncts of various purification regimes. We present them in the hope they can help uncover the true, empowered self within every person.

By Alan Beck

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