Chakras In The Body - The Role Of White Sage
Most Asian meditative traditions - and more than a few schools of Western esotericism - note the importance of discrete energy vortices or chakras in the body. Usually appearing to our inner vision as akin to rotating wheels or dynamically petaled flowers, they are arrayed along the body’s central axis. Each serves to concentrate a distinct life-current, so directing psychic focus upon it may give rise to insights or abilities germane to areas governed by that particular energy. Numerous techniques may assist such programs, including visualizations, yogic postures, breathing exercises, and external aids. White Sage purification belongs to the latter group, and the entire integrated process is often understood as “opening a chakra.” Madre Grande Monastery and Lucky Six Farms often receive accounts of our White Sage products successfully employed as adjuncts to opening chakras in the body.
Chakras In The Body - The White Sage Audit
Although traditions may differ on the number of chakras and their precise locations, most recognize seven primary ones: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown. Ideally, opening chakras should be carried out in a reasonably balanced fashion, with no single center receiving an overabundance of attention. Thus, in the initial stages it is advisable to conduct an internal survey of all seven so as to ascertain which seem most energy deficient or unduly closed off to the healthy circulation of living currents. By simply preceding this spiritual audit with a formal White Sage smudging, clear understanding of the overall situation can be efficiently enabled. Repeating the procedure once or even twice after an interim of a few days will further concretize your understanding and increase your confidence in the information obtained.
Chakras In The Body - Cleansing, Clearing, Purifying
Once particular chakras have been recognized as needing opening, you can make each in turn the center of meditative focus. Your approach should be gentle but firm. White Sage smudging via suitably sized bundle, cone, or hydrosol mist may be used during periods of prolonged or intense concentration. By stabilizing the mind on a particular chakra, the dynamic vision of that hub will grow vivid so its supporting channels of energy can be harmoniously cleaned, calmed, and ultimately normalized. By allowing White Sage’s naturally purifying influence to be conveyed and accurately translated inward, each chakra can be empowered to its full potential.
By Alan Beck

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