Thursday, October 4, 2012

Organic Perspectives


True Wisdom In Theory

Where does true wisdom lie? As many readers already know, Lucky Six Farms leases all of its White Sage fields from world-renowned Madre Grande Monastery. In addition, all of our products - essential oil, hydrosol, smudge bundles, cones, and whole White Sage leaves - are processed according to rigorous standards first set forth by the Monastery. The arrangement allows for a continuing exchange of opinion and information between the two organizations, an ongoing and often remarkably fruitful discussion forging links between pragmatic aspects of organic farming and esoteric Theosophical principles. Key components of the latter include belief in extremely long evolutionary cycles or waves, wherein immutable hubs of conscious being are carried across immense gulfs of time and space in a cosmic process encouraging constructive change. The wisdom of this approach has been recognized by cultures as diverse as the western hemisphere Maya and eastern hemisphere Hindu. 

True Wisdom In Practice

Farmers who personally participate in their profession can find much with which to identify in this perspective. Such an expansive view is directly at odds with most popular notions of progress largely derived from post-modern corporate demands. Instead of catering to inflexible, narrow time-lines set by requirements for quarterly profits, farmers must cultivate patience, genuine adaptability, and openness marked by a keen awareness of seasonality and yearly yield. Stately movements of sun, moon, stars, and clouds against a solid background of soil gradually unfold the stage on which successful cultivation thrives. Thus, the difference in thought patterns between farmer’s market and commodity market are clearly evident and often stark.

Fruits Of True Wisdom

At Lucky Six Farms, we are - and have always been - firmly committed to the living Earth that supports us, the welfare of all her children, and the long-term spiritual satisfaction of our customers. Profits are merely a vehicle for achieving these ends rather than ends in themselves. Whatever the bureaucratic arrangements necessary for our enterprise, we acknowledge the fundamental validity of traditional views: in the final analysis, our blue planet and her wondrous resources cannot be owned by anyone. All we can hope to do is ethically manage those elements that lie temporarily under our aegis. We know that responsibility alone constitutes a serious charge as well as an unparalleled privilege.

By Alan Beck

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